2021年 data js 库


date-fns 文档好, 函数式架构, date-fns offers great documentation, functional architecture, and utilities that handle almost any task you can think of. If dates are a critical concern for your JavaScript application, use date-fns. Each feature has clear documentation written in ESM (ES Modules) for the browser. Logical and consistent function names encourage readable code. A modular architecture allows build tools to trim away unused code for a slimmer final build.

Best for time zones: Luxon If time zones or localization are your primary concern, we recommend Luxon. Luxon leverages JavaScript’s Intl for speed and slimness while providing what Intl doesn’t: an immutable user-friendly API. Concise, well-written documentation eases the learning curve for getting started.

Best minimalist option: Day.js For basic handling of dates, Day.js is a minimalist library that offers an excellent API without much overhead. While Day.js has fewer features than Luxon or date-fns, it’s much smaller in size.

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